Presentations from the PACC Autumn 17 Conference


Presentations from the PACC Autumn 17 Conference

'Developing SEND provision in Shropshire'

The presentations below were delivered as part of the PACC Autumn 17 Conference looking at developing SEND provision in Shropshire.  The presentations were followed by table top discussions about potential gaps in SEND provision locally and how they could be filled.  A conference report including feedback on these discussions will be published shortly.


Tracey Newell -  Senior Employment Officer, Enable

Preparing Young people with SEND for Employment 

Supported Internships    

Inclusive Apprenticships


Julia Dean - Service Manager SEND, Shropshire Council

SEND Provision in Shropshire

SEND Data - Shropshire Context


Jonathan Wilding - Consultant, FWL Associates

Developing SEND Capacity and Provision in Shropshire

High Needs provision Strategy


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