How PACC works

PACC offers a representative model of participation where individuals who have real life experience of being a parent carer, represent others from their community and use the collective knowledge and experience of that community to influence decision making.

Our main activities are;

  • Listening to Shropshire parent carers about their experiences of services and support through conferences, consultation events, social media etc
  • Representing those experiences at meetings with statutory organisations, such as Shropshire Council, with a view to co-producing solutions and improvements
  • Informing Shropshire parent carers about our work and its outcomes and opportunities to participate, locally, regionally and nationally
  • Working to enasure that Shropshire parent carers have access to the information they need to make informed decision and to participate in the decsision that impact their families
  • Creating opportunities for Shropshire SEND families to come together as a community and to provide peer support to each other

PACC is a member of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums, which brings together parent carer forums from throughout England.  This enables Shropshire parent carers to have a voice not just locally but regionally and nationally too.  You can find out more about the NNPCF on their website here.

Our core funding is provided by the Department For Education and we are able to apply for a participation grant of up to £17,500 per year from them.  We also access other funding sources as available, which in has included being in receipt of additional funding from the Big Lottery, Shropshire Healthwatch and Shropshire Council.  Our annual accounts are available on the Charity Commission website.

For PACC's model of Coproduction please click here

For PACC's Plan On A Page please click here.

For PACC's latest annual report click here