Upcoming Events

One of PACC’s roles is to provide opportunities for parent carers to meet face to face with service commissioners and providers.  This might be at one of our conferences, at a workshop to discuss service developments, or at smaller meetings to discuss a specific issue.

All Shropshire parent carers are welcome to attend our events and most are free of charge.  We plan our events so that they fit with the availability of parent carers, with the majority being held during school hours.  We also try each year to offer events that are either in the evening or at the weekend, to meet the needs those who work.  All parent carers who attend our events are also able to claim expenses in relation to the event, such as travel or childcare costs.

Parent carers who attend our events also tell us how much they value the opportunity to meet other parent carers who have had similar experiences.  Being in a supportive environment, with others who understand helps to reduce the sense of isolation that many parent carers feel.

We hope to see you at a PACC event soon.

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The Partnership for the Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)

The Partnership For the Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project is being delivered in 20 primary schools in Shropshire, to improve outcome for…

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PACC Newsletter June 2024

In this months edition you will find: * An update on Shropshire Community Health Trust's website * Support information for voting * PACC's current…

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