PACC Housing and Employment Report Published


Following PACC's event; A Sense of Purpose and A Home of My Own - the journey towards housing and employment - on the 10th Feb 2020, PACC has today published a report sharing parent carer feedback on the transition process, including recommendations to improve this experience.

The event included presentations from;

PACC - Introducing the Shropshire SEND Strategy

Adult Social Care - Introducing Supported Living Housing - the Shropshire Approach to Independent Living

Enable - How Young People with SEND can be Supported into Employment

Those attending also heard family voices, parent carers sharing their experiences of supporting their young people with SEND towards adulthood;

Maureen Morris - Intentional Communities - Caitlin's Experience of Leaving Home

Annie Taylor - Ellie and Work Experience - Getting Ready for Work

Marion Langford - Finding Tom a Home and a Community

The report has been shared with Shropshire Council and Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group.  It includes questions that have been passed onto the Local Offer Team and the report as a whole will inform the development of the Shropshire Local Offer.  The recommendations will be presented to the Preparation For Adulthood Task and Finish Group, which is supporting the development and implementation of the new Shropshire SEND Strategy.

The Report can be read here



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