
In this section of the website we share the latest PACC news and other items of interest from the world of special educational needs and disability. You can also follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds on our Social Hub on our home page for regular SEND news items.


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Work starts on the Shropshire Written Statement of Action

Work has recently started on Shropshire's Written Statement of Action (WSOA). The WSOA resulted from the Local Area SEND inspection, carried out jointly by…

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Sharing the Shropshire SEND Communities experience of school-based support during Co-vid 19

PACC has shared feedback on the Shropshire SEND communities experience of the response of schools during Co-vid 19, at the Performance Management Scrutiny…

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PACC Response to Shropshire SEND Inspection Report

As many of you know PACC have been funded by the Department for Education since 2007 to promote and support parent carer participation throughout the…

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