
In this section of the website we share the latest PACC news and other items of interest from the world of special educational needs and disability. You can also follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds on our Social Hub on our home page for regular SEND news items.


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PACC Responds to the Severndale Specialist Academy Ofsted Report

PACC representatives are supporting Severndale Specialist Academy Parent Carer Community to engage with the school in response to their recent Ofsted Report -…

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SEND update to Shropshire schools from the SEN Team

Shropshire Councils SEN Team have issued an important update to schools which parent carers can read here,

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What do You Want to Know About Supported Living in Shropshire?

The Shropshire Preparation for Adulthood Team are looking to create some videos of parent carers talking about their son/daughters moving into supported living…

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