
In this section of the website we share the latest PACC news and other items of interest from the world of special educational needs and disability. You can also follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds on our Social Hub on our home page for regular SEND news items.


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PACC Conference 2023 – ‘Inclusion in Shropshire’

This conference will focus on sharing and informing the work being done in Shropshire to create an inclusive approach in Shropshire early years, schools and…

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Summer Fun with PACC’s Preparation For Adulthood Healthy Lives Programme

The PACC Healthy Lives programme for 14 - 25-year-olds runs from Monday 14th July to Wednesday 30th August, with activities being offered most days throughout…

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

This week (15th - 21st May) is Mental Health Awareness Week

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