Update on Short Breaks Recommissioning in Shropshire


PACC has previously shared information about the recommissioning of specialist Short Breaks services in Shropshire.  This work originally focussed on the overnight and specialist community sessions and groups delivered by Action For Children on behalf of Shropshire Council, however due to staffing changes and restructuring at the Local Authority, this recommissioning work now includes the All In programme, currently delivered by Actio.  This means that new contracts will need to be in place for non-assessed Short Breaks (All In) and the two assessed Short Breaks offers from the 1st April 2025. 

PACC has been working with Shropshire Council to ensure that the tenders for these contracts are informed by what SEND families say they would like the Shropshire Short Breaks offer to look like.  We have shared the feedback previously collected and highlighted the importance of Short Breaks for SEND families.  Positively there is no planned reduction in the funding being allocated to Shropshire Short Breaks, however PACC does continue to advocate for increased funding for these essential services.

The intention is that tenders for the new contracts will be issued in Sept / October and to ensure these reflect the needs of the Shropshire SEND Community PACC has worked with the Commissioning Team to produce a short survey for parent carers, young people and practitioners to share their views.  

The Surveys will open on the Shropshire Council Get Involved pages from the 1st May, they will run for 6 weeks and close on the 12th June  https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/get-involved/short-breaks/

Easy read versions of the surveys are also available.

Parent Carer Short Breaks Survey Easy Read

Young Person Short Breaks Survey Easy Read

The Shropshire Council Press Release about this consultation can be found here

In addition to the survey PACC is working together with the Shropshire Council Commissioners to offer a face to face consultation workshop on the 27th June 9.30am - 12pm at The Gateway, Shrewsbury.  At this event there will be a chance to consider feedback from the survey and to have further indepth discussions about designing the Shropshire Short Break offer.  Please keep an eye on PACC social media for more details on how to book onto this event. 



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