Speech and Language Redesign in response to Shropshire’ Written Statement of Action
PACC has been working with Shropshire Community Trust to support the improvement of the Speech and Language offer in Shropshire. The Shropshire SEND inspection in 2020 identified issues around the waiting times for this services as a significant area of weakness and the demand has continued to increase. With this in mind the SALT team have worked with SEND families to identify how access to support can be improved to ensure that children and young people with SEND receive essential support with communication skills.
The SALT Service has now launched the ICAN Talk Boost Intervention Training for Key Stage 1 across Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin. The training will be offered free of charge to all Early Years Settings along with support for Child Minders. This will be followed by further consultation about potential resources and training for Secondary schools.
If you want to know more about the Speech and Language Service see https://www.shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk/childrenspeechlanguagetherapy?fbclid=IwAR0Y4f2FgRKsH03iyQNbKWnpkMtDLf0FQvPpns3K_YSe8JnJ9yvDZls_WUs#onthispage3
If you would like to be involved in future discussions about this service contact PACC on enquiries@paccshropshire.org.uk
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