Shropshire Written Statement of Action - What you need to know
The Shropshire Written Statement of Action is now published and agreed. This document will be the key focus of PACC’s work for the coming 12 months and we want to make sure that Shropshire parent carers have a strong voice in implementing the agreed activity.
PACC works on a representational model of participation, which means we have parent carer representatives who attend strategic meetings, but they are speaking on behalf of a wide range of parent carers. This means it is important that PACC and its representatives hear from you. PACC has an active presence online, which has developed significantly during the past 12 months, due to the impact of Covid 19. We hear from Shropshire parent carers on a daily basis, via our social media networks and virtual meetings and this feedback directly informs our discussions with local SEND decision makers.
This input from the Shropshire SEND community is particularly important for our work on the WSOA, which aims to address the key areas of weakness in the Shropshire SEND system as identified in the Shropshire SEND Inspection. Therefore, we have planned two online sessions to discuss this document with you, what it might mean for your family and how you can inform the planned work. A daytime session will be held on Monday 11th January 2021 10am – 11.30am, followed by an evening session on Thursday 14th January 2021 8pm – 9.30pm. Both sessions will be hosted by PACC on Zoom and links to the meeting will be sent out once you have booked into a session.
There will be a chance to talk through the WSOA, the actions it contains and its objectives. We will also provide an update on progress against actions to date, up coming planned activity and details of how you can get involved in this work.
You can book on to either of these sessions via the Eventbrite links below
Monday 11th January 10am – 11.30am
Thursday 14th January 8pm – 9.30pm
You can read more about the Written Statement of Action and the SEND Inspection here
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