Shropshire SEND Strategy 20-25 launched Today


PACC is really excited to support the launch of the Shropshire Local Area SEND Strategy 20-25 today.  This strategy has been co-produced with children and young people with SEND and their families.  It tells us what good looks like for them and what services should be working to help them achieve.  Most importantly it tells us that SEND is a priority in Shropshire and that it is 'everyone's business'.  PACC is calling on all those who support the Shropshire SEND community to come together and to work with SEND families to ensure they are provided the same opportunities as those who are not living with SEND and to ensure that children and young people can achieve good life outcomes.  We want to thank the Shropshire SEN Team and the Educational Psychology Team for supporting this work, along with everyone who contributed to the development of the strategy.

Below is the new 'Being Me' logo that was designed following the workshop in 2019 when children and young people with SEND and their families were asked what their dream life would look like and what needed to happen to help them to achieve those dreams.  There was a strong message about supporting young people to be able to be themselves and to be valued for who they were.

The Shropshire SEND Strategy is now live and available to view on the local offer here:

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