Shropshire’s Healthier Weight Draft Strategy
Weight and obesity is a significant issue for the whole population however there is clear evidence that children and young people from the SEND community are more at risk of being overweight or obese. There are a number of reasons for this; impact of medication, isolation, sensory issues related to food and lower incomes due to taking on the role of being a parent carer etc. Obesity impacts both your physical and mental health and establishing healthy eating and activity patterns in childhood is essential.
Shropshire Council is currently consulting on it’s draft Healthier Weight Strategy. This document recognises the particular impact of this issue on the SEND population and PACC are engaged with the team leading this work, to ensure that the needs of children and young people with SEND and their families are fully considered and responded to.
You can get involved in this work in two ways.
- Share your thoughts on the Shropshire Healthier Draft Strategy; does it say the right things, is there anything missing? -
This consultation closes on the 7th September 2023
- Tell PACC what the ‘Healthier Weight Action Plan’ should include to help the SEND Community to establish health eating and activity patterns in childhood and to maintain these as individuals grow older.
We have created a short survey which can help you to do this
Or you can email us your thoughts on
Thank you for your support.
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