PACC 'In Touch' Course for Severndale Families
PACC has been able to secure some funding from Shropshire CCG, to provide peer support to families of children and young people with learning disabilities and/or Autism aged 13-19 years, with a particular focus on supporting those families who are approaching transition and who may experience behaviours that challenge. With this money we have developed what we are calling our ‘In Touch’ course, which will provide parent carers with peer support, along with advice and guidance about planning for the future and reducing the impact of behaviours that challenge. We have decided that initially we want to offer this course to families at Severndale and have developed a flyer detailing the course and offer which you can view here /cd-content/uploads/files/In%20touch%20Course%20-%20Final%282%29.pdf
We are working with both national and local experts to provide the advice and guidance and hope that this course will help to increase family resilience and improve outcomes for children and young people with learning disabilities and/or autism in Shropshire. If you are interested in joining this course please contact Sarah at PACC as soon as possible, since places are limited.
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