
In this section of the website we share the latest PACC news and other items of interest from the world of special educational needs and disability. You can also follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds on our Social Hub on our home page for regular SEND news items.


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Written Statement of Action - Statement of Intent

Shropshire Council, Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and PACC come together to sign the Statement of Intent declaring our commitment to work as a…

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Coproduction in action - Coproduction week reflections

PACC wanted to share with you an example of a real impact and outcome that has benefit our community following a process of coproduction. Here we walk you…

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Shropshire Council Adult Services Coproduction Week Reflection

During Coproduction Week, we have asked serviceds to contribute their experiences of and commitments to embedding coproduction across the local area.

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