
In this section of the website we share the latest PACC news and other items of interest from the world of special educational needs and disability. You can also follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds on our Social Hub on our home page for regular SEND news items.


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Information to Shropshire schools about clinically vulnerable children

The Shropshire SEN Team has sent the following information to all schools in the local area about children and young people who are consider clinically…

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Actio and the future commissioning of All In

The Actio Consortium consists of Energize Shropshire Telford and Wrekin (STW), Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC) and Ignition CIC. Together we have…

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Adults with Down's Syndrome added to 'extremely clinically vulnerable list'

We know that it has been a couple of worrying days for parent carers of young adults with Downs Syndrome, after they were added to the 'extremely clinically…

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