‘Communication and influence – giving our children a voice’


23rd March 2020 – Central Baptist Church

9.30 registration for a 10am start

2.30pm finish

Introducing the Shropshire SEND Strategy and considering how families and services can support children and young people with SEND to develop essential communication skills and have a voice in individual and local decision making.

Speakers and topics to be covered are;

  • Developing Communication skills from the Early Years

Jane Bannington of JB Consultancy – Jane has worked in special education as a teacher, all of her professional life, since 1979, teaching all ages and abilities from 0-25yrs. Currently she provides an independent service to both parents and professionals to help manage the behaviour and learning needs of children with autism and/or special educational needs.

  • Supporting Children and young People with SEND to participate in the EHCP process

Helen Randles – Shropshire Speech and Language Service – Shropshire SALT are exploring ways of how to ensure the views and wishes of children and young people with SEND are fully included in the EHCP assessment process

  • Using Alternative and Augmentative Communication Aids

Katie Clarke - The term AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) is used to describe the different methods that can be used to help people with disabilities communicate with others. As the term suggests these methods can be used as an alternative to speech or to supplement it. Katie is a parent carer and will share her daughter’s communication journey and how she established the 1Voice charity, which offers a network and support for children and families using communication aids.

This is a free event, but booking is essential.  Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

Book your place using the link below;


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