Information Form Shropshire Social Care Services
Information from Shropshire Social Services
PACC recently contacted Shropshire Children’s and Adult Social Care Teams to get an update on their response to Co-vid 19. We have received the following information. If you need help please do ask.
Adult Social Care:
The preparing for Adulthood team are contacting on a regular basis all young people and families who are receiving services from adult social care. The families will be aware of who their worker is, so can contact them to discuss any concerns they have.
We are working with families to understand how they have been impacted by this situation and how they are coping. We are working flexibly to offer service provision where it is available, and to support families to plan for the coming weeks with reduced access to many services.
We are aware that some schools and colleges are still offering a service to vulnerable young adults and we are in regular contact with these providers.
For those who are not able to accesses services, we are exploring the creative use of direct payments to support families and young people through this immensely challenging time.
If families’ situations change, we encourage them to get I touch with their preparing for adulthood worker, or the preparing for adulthood lead Kelly Kubilius
If you do have contact with people or you are aware of anyone who we do not know or who are requiring support, please direct them to FPOC, as we will contact anyone that would like or requires support.
Children’s Social Care:
We are in contact with families directly, and supporting them as the situation changes, as every family is different and depends on school, what support they already have, whether their short breaks are continuing or not, it is not possible to give a broad message.
The message is talk to social worker where already allocated. Same where Early Help are involved, and for families who are not already accessing a service and are struggling then contact FPOC as normal.
Shropshire Council helplines and email addresses
First Point of Contact (FPOC)
To request support for the first time 0345 6789021
For school and education-related enquiries during this emergency, plus school admissions, school transport and free school meals 0345 678 9008.
Children – welfare and safety
For concerns about a child’s safety or welfare, or for family support 0345 678 9021.
Adults – welfare and safety
For concerns about a vulnerable adult’s safety or welfare, or for support and advice about adult social care 0345 678 9044
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