Help with Claiming Universal Credit


Universal Credit is an online benefit which means you need to claim online and tell the Jobcentre about any changes online. You might also need to upload information to support your claim and check regularly for messages and tasks that you need to carry out.

if you need help to claim Universal Credit or to manage things online call 0345 678 9078 and ask about assisted digital support available through our main libraries at Shrewsbury, Oswestry, Ludlow, Bridgnorth, Market Drayton and Whitchurch. For further details click here

So what is Universal Credit?

•             “Universal Credit” is a new means tested benefit

•             It replaces 6 existing (or “legacy”) means tested benefits for working age people which are: Income Support (IS); Housing Benefit (HB); Child Tax Credit (CTC); Working Tax Credit (WTC); income based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA IB) and income based Employment and Support Allowance (IR ESA).

For more information see;



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