Hearing Your Voice - Shaping the Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
We want to hear from families and children / young people about their experiences of Palliative and End of Life Care services and support. We are acting as community representatives on a working group to redevelop the startegy to ensure families needs are at the heart of services and support offers in the future. Part of this work will be supporting your voices to be heard and reflected within the strategy and any future commissioning and service design. We are working with NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and therefore these surveys are open to Parent Carers, Children and Young People from a variety of local areas that are supported by these services.
We are inviting families to participate in this part of the process via one of three ways:
Parent Carer survey for those currently experiencing services:
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8-Ry0vSxDkyIYEnABJKdrzequcU56F5Bu-rizwkYIAxUNzMwOUFSNkVTRVkzTEs2TzE2VTZHRExaSy4u - Survey is open until 1st September 2023
Young Peoples survey for those aged 13-18 currently experiencing services:
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8-Ry0vSxDkyIYEnABJKdrzequcU56F5Bu-rizwkYIAxUOUI0R1I3WVE1N0xXWlJPQVlJQVVGVU40Ti4u - Survey is open 1st September 2023
Bereaved families survey for those families whom have sadly lost a child / young person within the last two years:
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8-Ry0vSxDkyIYEnABJKdrzequcU56F5Bu-rizwkYIAxUNk5TMU5CWUtIMFlQN1NDRUIzRkVUSjAxRi4u -Survey will open in late summer
If you are interested in helping us further in this area of work, please email info@paccshropshire.org.uk with the subject line Palliative Care Community Voice and one of our reps will be in touch with you.
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