Final details for PACC Virtual AGM - 11th May 21
Join us for the PACC Virtual AGM on the 11th May, 9.30am - 12pm on Zoom.
The meeting will be opened by Caroline Tomlinson, a parent carers who established the 'My Life' centre in Wigan, to help people with support needs to connect with their communities and create positive lives.
We will then complete the PACC AGM for the period 2020 - 2021, looking at what has been achieved and plans for the future.
The rest of the meeting will be spent in a series of short discussions about current issues, including the development of the Shropshire Autism & ADHD pathway, what day opportunties should look like for adults with additional support needs, and how does the move into supported living work?
We hope you can join us for the morning to share the challenges and successes of our families.
Book via eventbrite
or email / Telephone 07398 120311
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