Deadline for Transfer of Statements to EHCPs
The Minister for Children and Families, Robert Goodwill recently wrote to all Directors of Children Services clarifying the expectation about the deadline for the transfer of Statements to Education Health and Care Plans. Local authorities are under a statutory duty to complete transfer reviews of statements of SEN by 31 March 2018. The letter states that “It is important that all local authorities meet this deadline, and achieve it in a way that ensures good quality assessments are undertaken and high quality plans are in place. It is vital that families have a good experience of the new Education, Health and Care needs assessment process and that this leads to clear outcomes and appropriate support to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND”.
The letter also clarifies the legal position in relation to transfer and makes it clear that in any cases where a transfer review has not been completed by 31 March 2018 the statement will continue to remain in force from 1 April 2018, until a transfer review has been completed and a decision is made about future provision. This ensures that children and young people who have statements, for which a review has not been completed by 31 March 2018, do not lose support. For these children and young people, local authorities will remain responsible for ensuring that provision in their statements is met.
The full letter is available here
If you need support with this process contact the Shropshire information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) 01743 280019
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