Co-producing the Shropshire SEND Strategy
A workshop was hosted by Shropshire Council, Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC) on the 17th May 2019, to develop a vision for the Shropshire SEND Strategy. The audience was made up of children and young people (75) from a variety of Shropshire Schools and Colleges, parent carers (25) and practitioners, senior managers and elected members (30). The day was structured around a process know as PATH, which enabled everyone attending to share their thoughts on what their ideal future would look like and what needed to happen to help them to achieve this.
PACC has produced a report on the day which you can read here.
PACC is keen to hear from any parent carers who could not attend the workshop but woud like to contribute to this work. Please complete the short survey on the following link to share your thoughts with PACC
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