Has your Son or Daughter transitioned to Adult Social Care or are they in the Process of Doing So?


Has your Son or Daughter transitioned to Adult Social Care or are they in the Process of Doing So?

If the answer is yes we need your feedback. Some parent carers have contacted PACC to raise concerns about the Financial Declaration Forum that families are required to complete as part of the Adult Social Care process.  They report finding the form unclear, that it does not reflect the lives and potential expenditure of young people with disabilities and they have not been able to access advice or support in how to complete this form.

PACC has now been offered a meeting with lead officer for this aspect of the Adult Social Care process and we would like to receive more details from you about the difficulties that this form has presented for you.

If you have some feedback to share please email us with your comments on enquiries@paccshropshire.org.uk or ring Sarah on 01939 291238

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